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Online marketing is cheaper: take your risks!

June 22, 2005 at 11:42 by Martina Comments

If you can read French you’ll surely enjoy today’s article on Le Journal du Net dedicated to the new trends in online advertising. Brands have started understanding the role the Internet can play in the media mix, they are discovering its peculiar characteristics acknowledging “originality” is the keyword to be successful. The article explores four recent campaigns which used humor and creativity to develop something “different” mixing videos and rich media with a viral touch.
Arnaud Lecherf, communication manager at IDTGV perfectly summarizes the approach marketers should have towards online campaigns: “Sur Internet, le ticket d’entrée est incomparablement moins élevé que sur les médias traditionnels, notamment la presse papier, la radio ou la télévision. Nous pouvons donc nous permettre de prendre des risques, d’oser adopter un ton plus percutant.” (On the Internet the entrance ticket is cheaper than on traditional media like print, radio and Tv. Therefore we can afford taking risks and dare to adopt a stronger tone).

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