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Mobile gaming, an opportunity for advertising

January 18, 2006 at 10:58 by Martina Comments

eMarketer has recently published an article on the market potentials of mobile gaming. It’s no big news, there’s a lot of money out there, but what is interesting for us is that advertisers can also take advantage of the situation.
According to eMarketer senior analyst James Belcher the opportunities are mostly connected to location-based and multiplayer games which will allow advertisers to precisely target their prospects. Also, mobile gaming can work for branding, so we can expect mobile advergames to grow. Of course distribution (costs) will be an issue, but hopefully Bluetooth connections will solve every problem allowing user to by-pass carriers in the download flow.

2 Responses to Mobile gaming, an opportunity for advertising

  1. babak says:

    Dear Sirs
    kindlu please let me have more information about mobile adv . we are a young software team and planing to start a job on mobile apps. So it will be our pleasure to have your collaboration.
    best regards

  2. scheichenost says:

    I think that the next big AD wave will be advertising on mobile games. We will see it in a few years… I promise it!

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