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When banners become “alive”…

December 5, 2007 at 10:04 by Martina Comments

From Norway, a campaign that takes online advertising a step further, introducing the concept (a)live banners. Media couldn’t be richer than this, since the message in the banner is updated live by a copywriter that adapts it to the news on the page where the ad is appearing.

Created by Mediafront the campaign had the goal of building interest and awareness in a news/entertainment site called Sol. Three copywriters have taken turns in the commentary chair, producing 150 hours of content for the front pages Norway’s largest websites. So far, around 1000 unique ads have been created, using a Pen Tablet and a custom publishing tool via Flash Media Server.

Mediafront’s idea has been extremely cool, and I add a further (impossible?) point: can you imagine if users could have been able to reply to the copywriters custom comments?
To learn more about Sol’s campaign, check out the recap put live by the agency.

2 Responses to When banners become “alive”…

  1. Ed Wood says:

    Lovely, is a very good idea. This 24/7 creativity can be very interesting, but can also kill the creativity itself (impossible to be original or funny or meaningful all the time). I love the paint-style crappy drawings!

  2. Simpsons did it. says:

    Altoids did this 2 years ago

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