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Yahoo! New Inbox/Email

December 19, 2008 at 10:18 by Mark Comments

Yahoo!7 in Australia has launched the new Yahoo inbox as Think Outside The Inbox. It shows how easy it is to have your friends upfront and the rest - well elsewhere. As Australia is struggling with broadband this is cool to see a video ad that pushes them.
A cowboy tells you all about it in a video.

Creative and development by Three Drunk Monkeys.

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2 Responses to Yahoo! New Inbox/Email

  1. david says:

    nice idea, but poor video quality. i like the animated lasso effects, but the dv quality and the interlace lines got no use in the web.

  2. audrey says:

    It’s very nice and fun ! Luckily for us, we have English subtitles beside the Australian English spoken ! A pretty good operation from Yahoo.

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