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The Student’s Corner: Donation Detector

April 26, 2012 at 6:35 by Martina Comments

Let’s be honest, when you’re walking around the city and someone asks you for a donation, most of the times you don’t not even try to check if you have change in your pockets. But when you’re go through security at the airport, you cannot escape. You need to pull out the coins and put them on the tray. And that’s exactly where the American Red Cross should ask you for support.

Simple and therefore brilliant idea by a group of students at the Miami Ad School in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Full credits:
Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Copywriter: Nayara Lima
Art Directors: Stéphanie Zampollo, Lucas Santos
Other credits: Paulo Andre Bione, Fabio Astolpho, Mihnea Gheorghiu

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