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Desperate heating systems

October 4, 2007 at 12:48 by Martina Comments

Selling heating systems in France is a serious and creative business. A few days after “Winter is back“, I’ve found another example of an heating system producer (Sauter) who decided to follow the advertainment trend to sell (and make people talk) about his products.
They put online a series of (mini) webisodes very much inspired to Desperate Housewives. Four women, each associated to a heater (maybe this doesn’t sound very nice to say…) to do their best to spend the whole day at home (I hope I understood the plot correctly…)
A good concept to animate a digital project and to communicate a “boring” product in an appealing way. Unfortunately the execution is not as brilliant as the starting idea. I found the webisodes rather boring (I quit after the third one) and actually they didn’t give me any reason to come back and see how the story is going to finish.
What do you think?

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