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April 19, 2010
Easyjet, ecommerce and Facebook

Marketing on Facebook is continuously evolving, while getting people's attention is getting more and more difficult. The coolness of the brand isn't a good reason for keeping its status updates in someone's timeline. So the same basic process applies in order to gain fans and keep them loyal. Once again, it's all about being valuable, providing good, amusing or best of all, useful content.


Easyjet has recently launched an Holiday Planner within its Facebook fan page. It's an application that allows fans (yep, you need to become a fan in order to be able to use it...) to plan holidays together with their friends. And very soon they are going to add a feature that will allow people to buy plane tickets directly from the social network, without having to visit the Easyjet website.

This is going to be a huge shift. We are starting to get used to give up our brand websites to let interactions with the our brand to happen mostly on social media... but ecommerce... that's another story. As a marketer, I don't know if I'm ready for this. Interactions and relationships on Facebook are so volatile. Also, trust is so difficult to get. I appreciate it's important to provide consumers with options but I can't imagine the death of the website to be too close.

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