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Tag archives: interactive advertising

The WI-FI Poster

on April 10, 2013 by Martina Comments

Most of us think the poster is a vintage, if not outdated media. But in Korea they recently came up with an idea that will probably make us change our minds. The WI-FI poster, or the Poster 2.0 is a traditional poster “pimped” and transformed into a wireless hotspot. The technology is embedded or, better, hidden behind the poster, and it’s automatically activated once a user approaches the hotspot prompting the user to connect to the open network that has the name of the movie that is being promoted. Read more…

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GartnerG2: Interactive advertising has a bright future (maybe)

on August 11, 2003 by Martina Comments

According to Gartner G2, U.S. interactive advertising revenue will exceed $8.6 billion by 2005. Quoted in a press release is available today on Yahoo!, Denise Garcia, principal analyst, Media and Advertising for GartnerG2 says:

“A fundamental shift in these perceptions needs to occur for interactive advertising to substantially grow its share of the overall ad budget. Until interactive advertising can demonstrate an ability to deliver on brand awareness and product positioning campaigns, dollars will not begin to shift from traditional to interactive, and growth will be incremental. Some of this increase in spending could be due to greater total ad spending and higher rates charged for targeted advertising, which is now more readily available due to technology improvements. Either way, once agencies increase their spending, they will also increase their experience levels. And experience is the primary reason agencies develop positive perceptions toward interactive.”

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Tv advertising: the future is online

on July 24, 2003 by adverblog Comments

Interactivity will not kill tv advertising, on the contrary, it will help it. Basically this is the message by John Battelle in his recent article on Business 2.0 concerning Honda television commercial “Cog” which created an online viral buzz.

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