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Tag archives: passion

The History of Sharing the Passion

on August 24, 2009 by Martina Comments

Panasonic isn’t the kind of brand I usually like. I mean I find it rather old and not so cool, but this time they managed to surprise me with a nice digital project, probably a bit nostalgic (like the brand itself) but still pretty inspiring. The History of Sharing the Passion is a video website which takes us through twenty years of Olympic Games sponsored by Panasonic.

Starting from Calgary back in 1988 you can re-live some of the moments of the opening cerimonies experiencing at the same time the Panasonic technology that made the broadcast possible back at the time.

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Cartier, love anaesthetized

on July 13, 2008 by Martina Comments

Last month Cartier celebrated the day of love (on June 19th), launching a bracelet, a charity project and a website. Several artists who have been asked “How far would you go for love?” came back with music tracks and short movies that answer the question.

Altought the contents seem to be quite cool, the site looks pretty flat, and not emotional at all. The interface and the animations aren’t able to create an atmosphere, they’re just boxes filled with contents, but they aren’t able to make you feel the love around. Love is a great subject to create a digital project around, but here Cartier definitely missed an opportunity

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