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Targeting by weather for

on June 15, 2005 by Martina Comments

In the UK has launched an online advertising campaign which will target users according to the weather. Ads appearing on local sites like This is London, will change according to the current weather conditions in the city. Revolution Magazine explains the campaign idea is to explain Yell gives users exactly what they want. If it’s sunny, the ads will present, for example, outdoor activities, if it’s raining, you’ll get indications to have fun and not get wet. AKQA for the creative and I-Level for the media planning are behind the campaign.

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Yell launches web-push

on January 15, 2004 by Martina Comments

A new campaign aiming to demonstrate the benefits of has been launched in the UK. As Brand Republic the creative has been developed by AKQA and features skyscrapers, standard banners and buttons which will appear on MSN, Ticketmaster and other high-traffic sites.

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