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Kod: Zero

November 3, 2008 at 5:16 by Martina Comments

From Turkey, let’s discover an advergame launched by Coke Zero to cash on its sponsorship to the movie Quantum Of Solace. Of course, everything is in Turkish, but Selim has sent us all the information in English, so that we can find our way through the site.


The look & feel immediately reminds us of a comic book, while the game structure is inspired to adventure games with an additional twist. The game is divided in chapters, and each chapter features seven different mini-games that range.


Product also finds its place in the gameplay. During the game users are prompted with a form to fill in with a code that can be found on a Coke Zero bottle, if they have it, they win a gadget from the movie.
The agency is Digital McCann.

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3 Responses to Kod: Zero

  1. Selim Anac says:

    English version is on the way…

  2. tony says:

    Very clever idea and good execution, i like it…

  3. Rob says:

    In my opinion its a bad execution for a coke campagin.Usability of the website and games are poor, especially first one. Don’t like it…

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