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McD and the cheating sharks

March 6, 2006 at 9:47 by Martina Comments

McDonald’s is online with a weird advergame to promote its “Filet-o-Fish” sandwich. In the game, created by Moroch, players need to click as fast as they can to keep sharks away from a sandwich floating in the deep Ocean.
The game develops on three levels, which I haven’t been able to unlock. Anyway, players have the option to cheat and get a level code even if they don’t succeed in level 1. Of course McD doesn’t provide the cheat for free: in order to get it players either have to refer-a-friend or to take part to an online survey. I don’t know, I think I miss something… The game in itself it’s quite nice, but it’s not something you couldn’t live without. So why should people refer friends or share information if the only reward they get is a cheat code?

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