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Catch them!

May 24, 2006 at 11:01 by Martina Comments

This ad by DDB Sao Paulo for Companhia Athletica won the Clio Award 2006.

Do you like it? Personally I’m not very convinced. It reminds me of a much better commercial done by Nike a few years ago. Do you remember “tag it”? That was cool!

3 Responses to Catch them!

  1. Jeff says:

    One thing to note is that the Companhia Athletica ad is actually a video of a banner. You can interact with it which is a little different than the nike tv spot.

  2. Leonardo says:

    That’s not bad, but surely not an original idea…mostly for those who are videogames’ players… I remember a lot of very simple games those were based on the same idea…

  3. TraKtor says:

    Fabulous. And so much more simple than that Nike Tag.

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