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Mobile soap opera to teach safe sex

January 15, 2009 at 4:54 by Martina Comments

In the UK the COI and Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) have just launched a mobile drama series to teach teenagers the importance of using condoms. After signing up on Thmbnls‘ website users will start following the 22 weeks long series. Every Friday they will receive an sms to download and watch the latest 60″ episode.


Thmbnls talks about the lives of 6 teenagers touching issues such as sex, unwanted pregnancy and sexually and transmitted infections.

Reading around the Web I’ve found out that the producers negotiated with the mobile networks the download of every episode to be free of charge. Also, it looks like the mobile soap will also take strong advantage of interactivity with the audience allowing viewers can engage with the episodes and through interaction, receive music tracks, texts and pictures.
As explained on Brand Republic, at the end of each episode the viewer is given the opportunity to make a choice and formulate their own opinion about the situation. Alternatively, the story line ends on a cliff hanger, which is resolved when the user interacts with the programme.


The initiative is part of the “Want Respect? Use a Condom” launched one year ago using viral videos and social networks like Myspace to get teenagers attention. The agencies behind the Thmbnls project is 20:20 London.

One Response to Mobile soap opera to teach safe sex

  1. Daniel Granatta says:

    i don’t know what happens but in the latest days we’re writing a lot about condoms LOL

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