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Online media: think rich!

October 13, 2009 at 10:12 by Martina Comments

Tagging it #interactivemonday, Kubus shared a very nice online media campaign from France to promote a new crime TV series called Braquo. Two special execution, one on Youtube, and one on MSN homepage that prove really impactful.

I know this kind of stuff might be quite expensive from a media buying point of view, but at this point I’m quite convinced that either you create online media that make the difference, or you just invest your money somewhere else. Let’s be brave, let’s be (very) rich (media)

One Response to Online media: think rich!

  1. Cl�ment says:

    Thanks for mentionning my Twitter account :) .
    Looks like your video was deleted :/.
    The video is still available on the original article I wrote :

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