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Durex: happy father’s day

May 8, 2006 at 10:17 by Martina Comments

This is so good (and nasty)!

If you know the agency, please comment.
Via Brief Blog.

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8 Responses to Durex: happy father’s day

  1. benni says:

    Non c’è dubbio sul fatto che sia “divertente” e ben impaginato.
    Purtroppo il pensiero vola al necessario uso del condom per evitare o ridurre al massimo il contagio (e non c’è niente di divertente).
    Chi fa il nostro mestiere deve avere e mantenere il dovuto rispetto per e su certi argomenti.
    Non so chi l’abbia fatto, ma mi piacerebbe saperlo.

  2. jean says:

    This is an old print ad from BBDO; i think it came out in 2001.
    It is amazing, and it can work for women too.

  3. Zaphod says:

    F-k’n Brilliant. Pun intended.

  4. focusblogger says:

    not BBDO but Duval Guillaume Brussels did this, brilliant ad!

  5. theCardboard says:

    What a classic!

  6. kirk Gainsford says:

    the writers name is jason kempen the work was done out of cape town. lowe bull. he is currently at hunt lascaris

  7. R Curtis says:

    I also was under the impression that this was a South African ad. However, the writers here are not above plagiarism…

  8. jason kempen says:

    its my ad. i did it at lowes with art director myles lord. it was done in about 2001. never won anywhere in the world, but every year, i see it gets emailed to someone.

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