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5 seconds are important

July 23, 2007 at 2:44 by Martina Comments

From Spain, an interesting example of a Youtube-like interface “hacked” to become part of the message. The campaign wants to draw attention on the importance of donating blood on regular basis.

PS: click on the image above to watch the video. I didn’t manage to get the code on my pages…

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9 Responses to 5 seconds are important

  1. May says:

    You find the most incredible videos! Thanks for sharing.

  2. arthur says:

    Angela at brought me here. excellent!

  3. Giulia says:

    really wonderful! It’a a very good idea because exploit the success of a new media like you tube, playing with the media itself.

  4. I love this idea. It is extremely simple and gets your attention; just by the last actions of the actress.

  5. Jav says:

    Cataluña is Spain!!!

  6. david says:

    From Spain, my friend.
    i´m from barcelona, and we´re…

  7. Maria says:

    Martina, why you say better from Cataluña?
    Cataluña is Spain and I feel spanish before catalana…i don’t understand why people want to make diference

  8. Martina says:

    I said Cataluna because I remembered of my discussions with my friends from Barcelona. But I understand it’s a silly thing, so I’ll remove it!

  9. Ching says:

    I really love the video~Thanke you for sharing~~

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