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Nokia Nonstop Living

October 10, 2007 at 8:10 by Martina Comments

Nokia is online with a mini-site to introduce a new range of Bluetooth handsets. It consists of five video stories each presenting a different character and a Nokia handset fitting the context of his/her daily life.

The whole thing at first sight is very simple and not very original, but if you think about it, it’s a great example of how online communication is evolving (or should evolve). You see the creativity not in the concept, but in the decision of exploting the Web potentials to effectively present a product.

Through the videos the handsets’ features become alive, and for the consumer it becomes easier to understand them. It’s the old principle “show, don’t tell“, and most definitely Web videos represent a powerful tool in the middle between the TV spot (too short or too expensive to fully explain the product) and the product site full of technical specifications and details (too flat and boring to create an attractive experience around the technology).
Of course Nokia is not the first brand to go this way, but I thought it was worth reminding ourselves the communication opportunites the Web offers us.

The site has been created by Group 94 and Eurorscg Finland

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