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Old School Virals Return

February 26, 2008 at 6:35 by Mark Comments

In a return to old school virals ActionAid UK, have launched a viral campaign that allows their supporters to digitally dress up and make their own animation. It is designed to drive sign-ups to the ActionAid WhoPays? campaign, which is looking to put pressure on the government for tighter regulation of how UK supermarkets deal with producers in developing countries.


The viral, featuring comedians Bill Bailey and Katy Brand, encourages people to get involved by uploading a photo of themselves, and dressing up as a banana, cashew nut or pear for a fight (in the style of their choice) with some supermarket trollies!
The activity was conceived by digital creative agency Nonsense

One Response to Old School Virals Return

  1. shaymein says:

    this is very similiar to the recent stain ad shown during the superbowl.

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