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Book trailer the Louis Vuitton way

August 12, 2009 at 10:01 by Martina Comments

On September 21st Louis Vuitton will publish a book on Art and Creation. It will cover fashion, art an architecture (and it is already in my shopping cart). Given the kind of readers this book wants to appeal, what is better than a promotional animated book trailer animated by a young artist?

The video by Camille Scherrer is beautiful, sweet and simple I would say. But what I really like is the fact that they thought about the best way to get the word out in the creative community. Use the video, talk their same language, the visual language their are used to. Think about something that is easy to share, tweet, embed. I love smart marketers, especially when you realize they haven’t done anything special nor new, they thought before acting.

One Response to Book trailer the Louis Vuitton way

  1. Dom Conlon says:

    “Sweet and simple” - beautifully put. I’ve been seeing a growing trend in trailers for books and they are, by and large, poor. This one is wonderful. As you’d expect though I suppose, given the subject.

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