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Stockholm is Your Canvas

February 11, 2013 at 11:21 by Mark Comments

A new iPhone app is launched during Stockholm Art Week where everyone in Stockholm can join a new art movement and co-create. The app captures your movements on the Stockholm map using GPS and transfers this info to an artist who’ll paint the movements on a real canvas. Just select your brush colour in the app and start walking.

The brush is only active for 15 minutes but can be used as many times as you like. Your art walk becomes a brush stroke on the co-created art piece. People can then visit and see how their brush stroke and the whole canvas comes to life through a live streamed link to the artist’s studio in Stockholm.

The finished canvas will be presented at the Stockholm Art Week closing party on February 17 and then put up for auction on the net where the surplus is donated to community art projects.

Watch the video here

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