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Worst campaigns of all time

February 1, 2004 at 9:13 by Martina Comments

In a forum on Brand Republic I’ve found an excellent thread talking about the worst campaigns of all time. The discussion is interesting, people is quoting Ford, Hoovers and DaimlerChrysler with Celine Dion. I can think about 3: in december 2002 the launched an impressive campaign in Italy, but they didn’t have any shop or retailer ready to sell their products. They were good in building curiosity, but they didn’t give people the possibility to actually buy the product, so potential customers lost their interest and soon forgot about 3′s offer. A true waste of money.

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One Response to Worst campaigns of all time

  1. Giorgio says:

    Ciao MARTIZ!
    Da weblogz ad adverblog…ti seguo sempre!
    Mi ha colpito questa tua sottolineatura sulla strategia di 3, perch

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