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The MMS revolution in wireless marketing

February 26, 2004 at 10:20 by Martina Comments

The power of MMS to deliver branded messages is far more effective than the one of traditional SMS. There are no stats, only positive perceptions in an article on Marketing Directo about MMS’ marketing potentials. In particular the feature gives some hints for the development of cross media promotions TV/mobile, quoting the opinion of Frederic Westerberg of Brand New World:

“La combinaci�n de im�genes, texto y sonido abre nuevas posibilidades de formato, lo que no significa que ahora los motivos impresos o los anuncios de televisi�n deban enviarse por MMS. Adem�s, el contenido de estos mensajes debe tener un claro valor a�adido para el consumidor, ya que sino ser� eliminado inmediatamente como spam publicitario”

The combination of images, text and sound opens new possibility for wireless branding, however, this doesn’t mean that we have to deliver Tv spots to mobile phones. Furthermore message’s relevance plays an extremely important role in wireless communication with consumers. Mobile spam is a virus that can harm the entire sector future.

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