ING and the (a)live website
After the successful “I need to go” online campaign launched by ING Direct about one year ago, the bank is back with a new project characterized by sense of humour and a smart use of the digital media..

The amusing idea Emakina came up with consists of a website that becomes “alive” thanks to the performance of a bunch of actors. I doesn’t make much sense for me to explain it, you should just have a look and see yourself
Although I like the idea, and I think it is very well produced, I still think the script is too long and I fear they might lose a lot of clicks on the the final “apply” button because people has already moved away from the website. Shorter episodes might have worked better, also to offer a reason to came back to the site.

PS: If you like the girl jumping in the banner, you might enjoy her blog where she talks about the banners she’s been involved into
Hey Martina, Thanks for the post. And glad you found it amusing.
As for it being too long, it’s something we hear a lot. And we know it is, but notice that we’ve stayed away from the traditional build-up / reveal where you watch something and get the message in the end. Here the message is in the beginning, it’s ING’s online bank, 4%, 0 conditions. You get that message in the first minute, the rest is filling. So it’s not really primordial if people don’t sit the whole thing out. Instead we hope they get bored and start using the sharing options in the bottom
And though the Apply button plays a major role in the whole thing, it was an awareness brief, not a conversion one. The thinking behind that is people don’t open a savings account because they saw a good ad. But you want to be top of mind when they have some extra cash and do decide to open one. So there’s a lot of emphasis on it being online, ING, and the #4, hoping they would all stick.