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Bell the Music Video Game

September 14, 2011 at 4:40 by Martina Comments

A few days after Yugop’s web music experience, here we are, posting about another cool music clip. Actually, in this case we are talking about a music video clip that becomes a videogame. It’s called “Bell” and it is a visual experience around the theme of “delivering a message”. With communications happening so fast nowadays the form of the message and the journey of delivering a message get lost in translation. So Androp decided to extend the moment of communication and actually create entertainment around it.

Users are invited to type in a message, it will be transformed into an animal that they will be able to control in a journey through a variegated landscape synchronized with the music. You can watch the flow in the video below, or you can experience it directly by visiting Androp’s website.

The agency is Party.

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