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Author Archives: Mark

Naughty 2 nice

on September 12, 2007 by Mark Comments

A new episode in the ongoing feed of AXE campaigns. This time it’s a (5 min) mockumentary about clean nice girls turning into naughty lustcrazed criminals when they smell AXE Vice. Result: overcrowded women prisons. Not as brilliant and well executed as this one, but again a very fun way of communicating the product. I especially like the way they integrated annoying product placement without being annoying. Via

Manning’s Mind

on September 11, 2007 by Mark Comments

Goodby Silverstein, San Francisco has created a website for Sprint inviting punters to pick the brain and engage trivial pursuit against Indianapolis Colts’ superstar quarterback Peyton Manning. I’d imagine it would be fun if you knew your American Football knowledge - unfortunately I don’t

Dutch touch on Nike T90 campaign

on August 30, 2007 by Mark Comments

The international ‘Put It Where You Want It’ campaign from Nike Football, promoting the Total 90 Laser kicks, landed in Holland this week. Several video’s starring Ajax players Sneijder, Huntelaar and Emanuelson got released and made their way around the Dutch internets. More video’s of this extensive campaign can be found on Nike Football’s YouTube channel. In the same serie: Escalator, Autograph and Adios Amsterdam.

Blogs growing up?

on August 29, 2007 by Mark Comments

Interesting news from Dutch based blognetwork These guys run a popular entertainment blog in the Netherlands and internationally and now expand to several European countries (Belgium, Germany) with local bloggers running the sites. Intention is to create an online network with local and international content that will please a broad audience. Looks like the big entertainment blogs are growing up and follow the proven concept of local expansion from their traditional brothers.

Lexus - well maybe…

on August 27, 2007 by Mark Comments

Love this site but it took me ages…….. and ages……… and ages….. just to load it. Then there’s the navigation issue. Imagine the target market - a 38+ dude trying to access this site quickly for the facts. He or she would be gone before you could say “hi”. This site is cool but it’s just way too heavy for the target audience. They want facts quick, not sexy flash. Shame but true … Get past the “choose colour” and you have done well.

File under:

Paper Critters

on August 16, 2007 by Mark Comments

This site is mad and so cool - but I have no idea why it was built and how any money will be made. I have seen and done a hundred “build your own avatar” sites but this somehow is so much cooler than anything I have seen. The interaction and design allowance is greater than ever. Once I made my dude I was unhappy to see that the community/colony was very thin (I’m sure this will grow). Anyway it’s a nice turn on avatar-type builder sites and a whole lot of fun.

Heeeeers Stella!

on August 9, 2007 by Mark Comments

I’m happy to say that we had a great last weekend in Brisbane Australia recreating the famous bar scene from Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’ and invited passers-by in for a drink, to promote Stella Screen’s airing of the classic horror film . The brief was to create an innovative brand experience for the screening of a classic film and to maintain Stella Artois Screen’s global strategy, “fanatical about film”. Groups of passers by were invited into the depths of The Stella Artois Gold Room by pale strangers dressed in coat and tails. Guests then were confronted by the lone bartender, Lloyd, to inject the right amount of unease into guests. The visitors were then directed to another room located down a dark corridor. On entering room 237, another stranger would ask them to write their details in the guest register. The Brisbane locals that didn’t run out screaming left the bar with a mysterious invitation and code to enter a website - Using their code, they could access the guest register on the website and confirm their booking details. The ticket was then emailed to them. Interactive CD was Jonathan Mo. It was so much fun!

CEO Survivor?

on August 8, 2007 by Mark Comments

Draftfcb in Sydney have just soft-launched an online business simulator for Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) to attract the best business minds to their MBA programme. Run a company and get advice from real-life CEO’s. The site itself is not all that dynamic - in fact a little too old school in design - but it has some really nice elements as well. You have to sign-up to “play” which is a shame. It does a good job of showing real life issues and having real CEO’s helping you make decisions is kinda cool. It doesn’t deter from the actual reason for the site - reel in potential students. It’s worth a look.

Vaio Life Remixer

on August 7, 2007 by Mark Comments

Sony has launched a new site to showcase its Vaio range of laptops. Quiet an odd site for showcasing laptops but I like it. Remix Your Life is the campaign title and it’s all about matching your personality to the right laptop. Once you have checked out the three vids already on the site you can then hook up your webcam and microphone and create your own. Now this is cool, but I hate to imagine how many people who want to experience this site but can’t as they don’t have a webcam or microphone - therefore annoying them rather than selling them on the products and brand. It reminds me a little of the Lynx Blow campaign where users needed to blow into a microphone. I guess this site will serve many people well - and piss-off just as many others. *UPDATE* Thanks Andy! His note is below: I know we all borrow from time to time, but they really should have nodded to Lasse Gjertsen Check This and This And check out his my space with move videos What do you think?

Green Tea Partay

on August 2, 2007 by Mark Comments

With millions of views for Smirnoff’s Tea Partay video, it was just waiting for the sequel. Well, here it is. This time it’s the West Coast response on the East coast ‘rappers’.

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