Following on from the post about turning objects into buttons I wanted to share a prototype that the guys here at my agency have built with Ayotle exploring how real interactions can trigger digital experiences.
I like the interface of the website launched in Japan by Volkswagen to promote its new Tiguan model. The car is at the center of the stage, while all around you find questions (and answers) about its characteristics. This is definitely not the usual way to present a car, it requires a bit of effort from the user and therefore more engagement.
Of course this choice has also a negative side as it might result annoying to the less intuitive and patient users. I would have rather chosen this path for a car with a younger audience (eg. Smart).
At a friend’s place last night I played the Xbox 360 version of Colin McRae Dirt, a nice rally game created by Codemasters. The reason why I share this with you is because I’m impressed by the game interface to navigate through the menus. It’s smart and innovative, with principles I really would love to see applied to the Web as well. Someone has even posted a video on Youtube with a one minute overview of the interface… have look and be inspired!
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