In-Stat/MDR reports Mobile gaming is emerging as one of the fastest-growing and most popular applications in India’s digital consumer economy. The Indian mobile gaming market will generate $26 million (US$) in revenue in 2004, and will increase to $336 million in annual revenue by 2009. Clint Wheelock, Director of In-Stat/MDR’s wireless research group comments:
“The growth of this market sector has attracted publishers, developers, animators, musicians, and content providers, and is also stimulating the development of innovative business models. Mobile gaming is not just about fun; it also represents one key element of a rich mobile entertainment experience for consumers, and a lucrative market opportunity for industry players.”
This week the online press has published a bunch of interesting stats, so let’s take a look at Spanish wireless consumers market. Vnunet reports the results of a research by CIS: seventy percent of Spanish have a mobile phone, and a further eight percent plan to buy one in the next six months. The main reason (for 66.6 percent of the people) to own a cell phone is to get in touch with relatives and friends, while only twenty percent of the people said they have one mainly to keep business contacts. Iblnews reports about the preferred services of Vodafone Live! users: during last december, Spanish people opted to receive SMS alerts mostly about football and horoscopes. For what concerns mobile games, “Osiris” of the Tomb Raider series has been the most downloaded, followed by Bomberman� and �XIII”. The most requested ringtones have been “La madre de Jos� and �No es lo mismo�. presents stats about SMS traffic in Spain last year. According to the data provided by the three carriers (Amena, Telef�nica M�viles and Vodafone) more than 18 millions SMS have been sent through the networks in 2003, with Telef�nica leading the market with a 50 percent share of the traffic. But the most interesting data is the one about Premium messages which generated a business worth 400 millions euros.
eMarketer reports the results of a Reveries study conducted among over 400 marketers. 22.7% of marketers think mobile marketing is currently just fairly viable, only 13% rate it as fair five years from now. On the topic, there’s also an article on iMediaConnection, while the full research’s results are available here.
A new research by Dynamic Logic MarketNorms confirms that interactive ads increase brand awareness to a greater extent than non-interactive ones. As explained on Revolution Magazine, consumers exposed to interactive ads felt more favourably towards the brand than when exposed to a non-interactive ad, and intent to purchase was 2.9% higher.
Thanks to real broadband opportunities, online advertising has started offering valuable results to marketers. This is the message by Penelope Patsuris in her today’s article on in the section brightly named “The Half-Full Economy” (!? . Recent research results produced by IAB on case studies like Colgate’s and McDonald’s, have shown that online advertising could prove as an efficient marketing tools in a multi-channel strategies. Further point to support the bright future of online advertising investments are scored by paid search advertisements. Eventually, in a survey by GartnerG2, ad agencies said they plan to bump up clients’ online spending from 5.5% of their budgets to 6.8% by year’s end, and up to 9% by the close of 2004.
Verisign will be the first B2B markete to participate in the Cross Media Optimization Study (XMOS) promoted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Completed XMOS research results are currently available for Unilever, McDonalds, Colgate-Palmolive and Kimberly-Clark. Read the full press release on IAB’s site.
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